ANZIF 2019 Christchurch Conference
ANZIF Conference Proceedings 2019
Speakers and Presentations
Adam Forbes - Permanent Native Carbon Forests from Radiata Pine Plantations
Joe Johnson - The 5Fundementals of Successful Rehabilitation of Disturbed Lands
Tony Bartlett - Facilitating Sustainable Smallholder Forestry in Developing Countries
Rien Visser and Campbell Harvey - Challenges and Opportunities for Low Impact Harvesting on Steep Slopes
Peter Houston and Hugh Ford - Investment Woodlot Analysis
Chris Perley - Woodlands in Farmed Landscapes: Realising Scope
Alfred Duvel - Telling our Story
Cris Brack and Junzhiwei Jiang - Augmented reality technology: Impacts on Urban forestry?
Trevor Best - The Positive Potential of Confronting Stress in the Forest Industry.
Cris Brack - Forestry Education in Australia: People change, does education?
Mark Bloomberg - A risk management framework for landslides in NZ plantation forest
Euan Mason - Mythology, carbon and radiata pine
Andrew McEwen - A Forest Policy for New Zealand
Phil West - Do increasing respiratory costs explain the decline with age in forest growth rate?
Chris Perley - Building Resilience to Uncertainty in landscape Management in the Post- Industrial Age
Karen Bayne, Peter Edwards, Tim Payn - Trees in the landscape - maintaining forestry's social licence in a changing climate.
Murray Dudfield - Fire Management in the Forest and Rural Landscape "At What Cost"
Fiona Ewing - Can't see the Forest for the Trees.
Rob de Fegely - Knowing the Forests and the Trees - Why Foresters Matter?
Tim Wardlaw - A Climate for change in forest health surveillance?
Lisa Langer - Wildfire risk to forests and communities in a changing hazard environment.
Tara Strand, Ilze Pretorius, Wayne Schou, Rebet Bryce, Veronica Clifford, Narasimhan Larkin, Neal McLoughlin, Martin Cope - A real-time fire spread and smoke forecasting system
Cressida Lehmann, Claire Howell, Tony Hunn, Nicholas Innes, Rohan Jacobsen, Rosemary Lott, Martin Mutendeudzi, Steve Read - Telling the story of Australia's forests in the connected age.
Gina Potter - New connections - ANZIF and the development of Forest Schools
Peter Clark - The Future of New Zealand Forestry
Penny Clark-Hall - Forestry's Social Licence to Operate
Antonia Reid - A Forest Strategy for Aotearoa New Zealand
Brad Barr - Wespine Canary Island Pine
Bruce Manley - Adapting forestry education in New Zealand to a changing environment
Don Carson - Perceptions of the Forestry Industry
Gerraint Richards - Duchy of Cornwall - History
Michelle Freeman - The Future of Forestry in Australia
Michelle Lauder - Communicating Australia's Forest Policy and Forestry Credentials
Oliver Hendrickson - Challenges of developing forestry policy ina multi stakeholder environment
Steve Chandler - Pigeon Valley Nelson NZ Fire - Learning and Challenges
Peter Berg - Some Reflections on the NZ (State) Forest Service - formally established on 1 September 1919
Jim Carle - ANZIF 2019 Resolutions part 1
Jim Carle - ANZIF 2019 Resolutions part 2