19th February 2025 Newsletter
Welcome to the first newsletter of 2025. As discussed at the end of last year, we are transitioning our newsletter from fortnightly to monthly. This change is intended to alleviate time constraints, both paid and voluntary.
Since our survey halfway through 2024, the NZIF Council has been refining its priorities. As part of this process, we have assessed the number of voluntary hours contributed by the Council (excluding local sections, SIGs, and Future Foresters etc). This figure exceeded our expectations, totalling approximately 4500 hours annually. This level of volunteerism is unsustainable and necessitates either reducing services offered or seeking additional paid assistance. This issue will be a topic of discussion at the upcoming AGM, where we will explore strategies for managing in 2026, given the potential time constraints of a new President.
In addition, we must approve a new constitution at this year’s AGM. The constitution’s formation is mandated by the new Incorporates Societies Act 2022. While it will encompass many aspects of our current rules, it will not replace all of them. Consequently, we may need to develop Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for certain current rule elements which cannot be included in the constitution. Any amendments to these SOPs will require approval from either the Council or the AGM (subject to further discussion).
The AGM also serves as an opportunity to encourage your attendance at the Emerging Stronger conference in Napier, June 25-28. The conference will feature CPD sessions on the 25th and two field trip options on the 28th. The organising committee has curated an exceptional agenda, complemented by networking events. To ensure value for money, we strive to keep conference fees below those of competitors, aiming to achieve only breakeven. This conference offers the best value for forest based professionals and is highly recommended for those considering attending a conference this year.
As always, we extend our sincere gratitude to our sponsors, whose contributions significantly reduce the attendance fee. We still have sponsorship opportunities available, and I encourage you to contact me if you are interested in supporting the conference. I acknowledge the challenging economic climate and deeply appreciate the sponsors who have already committed to the conference.
In other matters, the participants in the Judicial Review against the ETS fees have suspended the JR as a gesture of good faith following the Minister’s decision to halve the fees. The Minister has agreed the participants and TuR will establish a committee to review the ETS costs and explore potential fee reductions. I appreciate the support from all members and companies involved in this process. While JR’s are time-consuming and costly, I believe the pressure from this initiative has resulted in the current fee reduction (with further reductions anticipated) which has saved the sector approximately $9 million annually.
The Council has approved a budget for the upcoming fiscal year, which is a balanced budget. We clearly heard from members at the 2024 AGM for there need for a balanced budget rather than a loss. While some projects have been eliminated, we have also encountered rising costs in other areas of the budget. Consequently, we have had to approve an approximate 10% increase in fees. I understand this fee increase may be challenging for some members, and I would be pleased to discuss this matter further with any member who feels it is excessive. Failure to implement this fee increase would necessitate further reductions in services which members have indicated are important to them.
As outlined above, this fee increase enables us to demonstrate a balanced budget. However, if members decide we must continue with the current services in future years, we will need to secure additional funding to cover the increased costs. As previously mentioned, the Council cannot continue to rely on the high levels of voluntary hours currently being undertaken.
In summary, the upcoming Annual General Meeting (AGM) holds significant importance for the Institute. It will feature discussions on a new constitution, what NZIF should (and should not) be doing, the potential future need for additional paid assistance, and the budget (with a guide to the next two budgets). We strongly encourage you to attend the AGM and provide your input on the matters which affect you as a member of your institute.
Expressions of Sympathy
Sadly this year NZIF lost two well know members in the industry:
Peter Oliver:
It is with great sadness we share the news that Peter Oliver passed on January 2025, aged 62, following a relatively short illness. Our deepest condolences go out to Peter’s family – his wife Agnes, son Thomas, daughter Lauren and his four grandchildren. Peter was highly regarded by many in forestry, with a distinguished career spanning 40-odd years.
Ian Barton:
It is with sadness that NZIF was informed of Ian Barton's passing early February 2025. His career started as a Forest Service Technical Trainee back in 1956 and was a long standing member holding NZIF positions and becoming a Fellow. Our deepest condolences go out to Ian's family and friends.
Both Peter and Ian will be remembed more fully in the next issue of the NZ Forestry Journal.
Young Professional Foresters’ Exchange Programme: Meet the 2025 Candidates
We are thrilled to introduce the talented individuals selected for the Young Professional Foresters’ Exchange Programme (2024-2025)! This exciting initiative, administered by the Canadian Institute of Forestry/Institut forestier du Canada (CIF-IFC), the Institute of Chartered Foresters (United Kingdom), the New Zealand Institute of Forestry, and Forestry Australia, offers a unique opportunity for rising leaders in forestry to participate in a 3-month paid international work placement, to share knowledge and gain hands on experience in international practices.
A special thank you goes to the host employer organisations in each of the four participating countries who have stepped forward to support this programme. By opening their doors to these young professionals, they are not only providing life-changing opportunities but also showcasing the exceptional forestry expertise and innovation within their organisations.
Here are the successful candidates and their host organisations:
Candidates from New Zealand
- Pheobe Milne will join the Ontario Woodlot Association, a champion of sustainable private forest management, in Canada.
- Tor Drummond will head to Tillhill Forestry, a leading sustainable forestry and timber harvesting company in the UK.
NZ JOURNAL OF FORESTRY - Volume 69, Number 4 - February 2025
We are pleased to inform you that the February 2025 issue of the New Zealand Journal of Forestry is now available for viewing on the NZIF website.
Members are required to be logged in to see the full articles. If you have any issues, please email NZIF Office.
Use the link to navigate straight to the full Journal or go to the Journal page to see individual articles.
NZ Journal of Forestry Volume 69, Volume 4 - February 2025 Download Full Journal
The following three submissions have been submitted for 2025:
2025 February 17 Gene Technology Bill Consultation Submission
2025 January 27 Long-Term Insights Briefing MPI 20205 Consultation Submission
2025 January 13 Regulatory Standards Bill
To read older submission please go to NZIF Submissions - you will need to be logged in.
Media Releases
The following media release was sent 24 January 2025:
24 January 2025: NZIF Welcomes Proposed Changes to Crown Research Institutes
To read older media release plese go to: Resources and Publications - Media
Joint Letter
A letter from NZIF, Federated Farmers and the Deer Industry NZ in regards to the funding for ungulate control and our request for more funding from Government to at least equal the amount of private investment to control of these pests, which is currently out of control in most parts of NZ.
Increasing Investment in Pest Management Across Public Lands
Deforesting pre-1990 forest land
Deforestation causes greenhouse gas emissions. If you deforest pre-1990 forest land, you are responsible for the resulting greenhouse gas emissions under the rules for the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS). This applies even if you have not previously registered in the ETS. Find out more about your responsibilities.
Membership Subscriptions Renewal Date - 1st April 2024
A friendly reminder that your membership renewals will go out for the 2025_2026 fiancial year on the 1st April 2025. We've got some great CPD, local events and the conference in June coming up this year, and we'd hate for you to miss out! It's super important to keep your NZIF profile updated so you don't miss these updates or events. We're all about supporting our members and we love hearing from you too! Looking forward to having you with us for another great year!
Ex Students: If you are now working full time for an organisation and want to remain a member then you need to complete the upgrade form to become a Gradue Member. If you do not want to upgrade your membership, and we would hate this to happen, you need to submit an email advising us, email NZIF.
Member Bio: Have you added or need to update your Bio on your membership page? This is really helpful if we need to know more about your skills and abilities along with qualifications and it enchances your profile. Log in now to the members only area and take a look at your profile.
Registered Forestry Professional: Become an RFP and be recognised for your expertise in the field and be found on the website under "Find a Registered Forest Professional". Members can read more by going to the member's only area and selecting Registered Members or email the Registrar for more information.
All Members: It is really helpful if you could log in and view your profile to ensure it is up to date with current contact details, a secondary email is useful should you leave where you work and forget to let us know. Staying in touch with you means a lot to us, and we'd really appreciate your help in keeping that connection alive.
Resignations: We don't want you to go, but if you no longer want to be a member, then as per our NZIF Rules, Termination of Membership and Resignation is required:
49. Any Member shall be entitled to resign from membership of the Institute by giving written notice to the Council in the form prescribed by the Council.
50. A Member who resigns shall be liable for any fees and other amounts owing at time of resignation.
Need to know more, email NZIF we are always happy to help.
Past Webinar:
Kiwi firefighter deployment in international wildfire campaigns. The experience and learnings for NZ forest and rural fire
This was a very interesting and well presented webinar given by Kevin Ihaka who has participated in 14 international wildfire deployments since 2003.
For those that missed registering and hearing Kevin, you now have the opportunity to pop into the NZIF Shop and purchase this for $20.00 only.
For all other available webinars to to: NZIF Member's only shop
Webinar: Principles of Good Governance - A Practitioners Perspective
This is a must see webinar for those involved in industry committees and boards and community organisations. Many of us work through technical and management roles and acquire great skills in these areas. At some point in our careers, we often take on wider roles on industry advisory committees, , company boards of directors, or become shareholders of companies, often with little or no training in dealing with the transition from management to governance roles. There are many issues to be aware of in governance roles and pitfalls for the unwary or careless. And equally in our private lives in the community where we become involved in School Boards of Trustees, sports clubs or charitable organisations there are similar issues to be aware of. Current changes to the Incorporated Societies Act for example will place similar responsibilities on boards of community organisations as company directors.
Phil Taylor has agreed to provide a practitioners view of this from a perspective of someone who has moved through technical and managerial roles in forestry to governance roles on industry boards and commercial companies. He will cover the responsibilities of directors and those on industry committees and boards, the pitfalls to be aware of and the practical steps that can be taken to mitigate some of these risks.
Date: Tuesday, 25th March 2025
Time: 7:30pm
Please note:
You can listen live or listen later – everyone who registers will receive a copy of the webinar recording.
Upcoming Webinars:
Tuesday, 15th April 2025
Forestry and the ETS - A Legal Perspective
Presenter: Campbell Stewart - Tompkin Wake Legal
Tuesday, 29th April 2025
EU Deforestation Regulations and Implications for NZ
Presenter: Mark Ross - CEO WPMA
Further details on these webinars will be published at a later date.
2025 NZIF Conference
Napier War Memorial Centre / Hawke’s Bay 26-28 June 2025
Strengthening Forests, Infrastructure and Community Post-Cyclone
In the wake of devastating cyclones, our forests face unprecedented challenges. To address these critical issues, we are organising the “Emerging Stronger” conference, a pivotal event which brings together leading experts, researchers, conservationists, policymakers, and community leaders.
- CPD Workshop 4 options available
- AGM and Networking Drinks
- Conference 2 days
- Future Forest Quiz night
- Gin Distillery visit
- Awards Dinner
- Field Trips 2 options available
Conference 2025 Registration is now open.
Any questions on the Conference or the new Conference website, please mail: Jay - Events
Canterbury Local Section
Title: Exploring fossilised trees
Speaker: Dr. Mathew Vanner, PHD Otago University
About: Mathew Vanner has specialised in fossilized rocks that were once trees. His studies form the early story of New Zealand through these ancient records. Allan Laurie will bring along a 10 million old fossilized tree as an example.
When: 5:30pm
Date: Thursday, 20th March 2025
Where: University of Canterbury
Save the date: Forest Biosecurity Conference - April 2025
Biosecurity plays a vital role in dealing with the ever-changing and evolving threats our forests face.
The 2025 Biosecurity conference will be held at the University of Canterbury in Christchurch from 10 - 11 April under the theme of Enhancing forest biosecurity through technology and innovation.
The conference will explore a variety of issues facing growers and those that work in, or rely on, our forests and how technology and innovation can help to overcome these.
Topics will include how aerial and remote sensing technologies are affecting the industry, how molecular technologies are revolutionising surveillance and monitoring and the possibilities that genetic engineering could unlock for tree breeding and forest health and resilience here in New Zealand.
As with previous years, the conference will be preceded by the Biosecurity New Zealand and Forest Owners Association Joint Biosecurity Forum which will provide insights in the critical work Biosecurity New Zealand does protecting our forests.
A full conference programme, registration and venue details will be confirmed in the coming weeks.
Please share this email through your networks and if you did not receive this email directly please subscribe so we can keep you up to date with conference details.
Brendan Gould
Director Biosecurity and Risk
M: 027 364 1577
E: brendan.gould@nzfoa.org.nz
IUFRO 1.01.04: Conference Information
Kia ora, Hello!
We are looking forward to welcoming you to Rotorua, New Zealand next month.
Registration (full week or day only) for the IUFRO 1.01.04 Conference: Forest Establishment and Early Growth Dynamics in Rotorua, 17-20 March is still open. This is a great opportunity to join an international event and meet forest scientists and practitioners from around the globe tackling some of our biggest challenges for establishing forests. The conference programme is now live, so you can view online the wide range of sessions and topics that will be covered by over 50 presentations over the course of the week. Its not often you get the opportunity to attend an international event in NZ – so please join us! IUFRO 1.01.04 Forest Establishment and Early Growth Dynamics.
NOTE: Attendance at the conference can also be used for CPD credits.
A big thanks to our sponsors NZIF, FGR, TUR who have generously supported the event.
All the best
Carol Rolando and the IUFRO 1.01.04 Organising Committee
With just over FIVE MONTHS to go …
…and on behalf of the Management of Fire in the Forest and Rural Landscape Fire Conference Steering Committee, we are delighted to welcome you and your colleagues to attend the Tangata Matatau (TM) Conference to be held in Christchurch, on 9th to 11th July 2025.
The following provides further information on the progress made to the end of January 2025 to ensure a successful July 2025 conference in delivered to all particpants:
Website: Tangata Matatau
Established in 2011, the NZIF Foundation is a charitable trust whose mission is to raise funds that can be used to encourage and support forestry related research, education and training through the provision of grants, scholarships and prizes; and promote the acquisition, development and dissemination of forestry related knowledge and information and other activities. We have supported many students and professionals since 2011.
We're happy to announce that applications for the 2025 Scholarships and Awards are now officially open!
To view information on the opportunities in various categories, select the links below:
- Chavasse Travel Award
- Frank Hutchinson Postgraduate Scholarship
- Mary Sutherland Scholarship
- Otago Southland Award
- University Undergraduate Scholarship
Don't miss out on this chance and apply today!
Closing date for the scholarship is 4th April 2025.
2025 Conference Poster Session
One again the 2025 Conference Poster Session is open, notifications to advise of an entry are to emailed to the Foundation by 13th June 2025.
For more information please visit: Student Poster Competition
With Alex Wilson stepping down as she takes a role outside the forest sector we are seeking someone to fill her position. Current Trustees are Luis Apiolaza, Peter Edwards, James Kerr, Tim Payn, and Lou Sanson - information about the Trustees and the Foundation. We share responsibilities around and are looking for someone with a strong interest and experience in communications, we are also very conscious of gender and age balance on the panel of trustees. At the moment we are skewed to later stage careers and male. So, we encourage applicants who can reduce this imbalance.
The role is not onerous – around four virtual meetings a year, and the biggest activity is the evaluation of applicants for the awards and scholarships once a year. Each Trustee has activities focussed on our wish to grow the Foundation so we can support more awards.
If you are interested, please email the Foundation and one of the trustees will be in touch to tell you more about what we do and the role.
We are dependent on donations (tax deductible!!) and are always looking for more – at the last NZIF conference we launched the Giv2 app to make it very easy to donate – click on the QR code below and you’ll be amazed how easy it is to donate any amount you like. If you are thinking big amounts (many thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions even!) please get in touch via Foundation and Tim Payn will contact you. If you are interested in donating to establish a new award (maybe in memoriam, or for a specific topic, or on behalf of your company) please contact James Kerr via the same Foundation route who will be able to help.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this newsletter are solely those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views or endorsements of NZIF. We make no warranties regarding the completeness or accuracy of the content provided. Readers are encouraged to use their own discretion when applying any information contained herein. Links to external sites are provided for convenience purposes only, and their inclusion does not constitute an endorsement of the content found on those sites.
NZIF Administrator
Email: NZIF Office
Mobile: +64 22 653 3750
NZIF Registration Board
Email: Registrations
Mobile: +64 27 463 1118
Email: Complaints
Email: Appeals
© All rights reserved. No part of this site may be reproduced, adapted, or distributed without prior written permission
We are a forum to exchange ideas, opinions and information about forestry.
We encourage and help our members attain and maintain the highest standards of their profession.