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6.4 Sample Plot Techniques and Tables

Authors: J D Hayes
Publication: NZIF Forestry Handbook, Volume Section 6 – Data collection and projection, pp 4, Dec 2023
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: Standard mensuration tables are required for both plot establishment and the measurement of tree heig PLOT ESTABLISHMENT Permanent sample plots and inventory plots are generally circular or diamond in shape. Circular plots are often preferred because they have the shortest perimeter for a given plot area and are easier to install in good conditions. A four-sided plot is preferred for areas of heavy undergrowth or on steep slopes. Circular Plot Layout If the average slope of the area is greater than 10 degrees, a slope correction table (Table 1) should be used to obtain the radius of the plot. The slope-corrected plot radius is used to measure distance in all directions to the plot boundary.
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