Harvesting Tahere Farm Forest - a case study

Authors: Ian Page
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 2020, Issue N.Z.J.For. 65(2) 2020, pp 36-43, Aug 2020
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: Detailed data are presented from the harvest (over 10 years) of six small plantations on a Northland farm property. These data show that with innovative harvesting techniques, sensibly located small plantations - even on very steep, broken country - can be a profitable investment. Small plantations also present environmental advantages, encourage appropriate land use and lessen the aesthetic impact of logging on the landscape. Spreading planting in time as well as spatially, by lowering annual cash and/or labour requirements, places quite substantial forest estates within reach of many hill country family farms. It is argued that the results support that smaller plantations carefully sited on a large number of rural properties, and established over extended periods, are a valid way to achieve our afforestation goals. They also have additional environmental, land use and scenic advantages that are likely to be increasingly important to our industry’s social licence to operate.