David Elliott’s letter - a response from one of Fenton’s acolytes

Authors: Wink Sutton
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 2011, Issue N.Z.J.For. 56(4) 2012, pp 43-45, Jan 2012
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: Sir David Elliott in his timely letter “The Alice in Wonderland World of New Zealand Wood Quality and Log Pricing” (page 30, NZ J. For. 56(2) of Aug 2000) presents a very good summary of present market conditions and possible solutions. His letter begins with the statement that “Fenton and his enthusiastic acolytes were wrong…”. As one of those “enthusiastic acolytes” I feel bound to respond and to explain why we were passionate advocates. In the 1960s a new research group - The Economics of Silviculture - was established at the Forest Research Institute in Rotorua and I was appointed as one of its scientists. We had responsibility for researching all aspects of radiata pine silviculture.