The NZ School of Forestry - How we fared in the earthquake

Authors: Dr. Bruce Manley
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 2011, Issue N.Z.J.For. 56(3) 2011, pp 16-17, Nov 2011
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: We have been very fortunate at the School of Forestry - we have been relatively unaffected by the earthquakes. The Forestry Building suffered minimal damage - we lost a few thousand dollars worth of glassware in the labs. Despite the disruptions caused by the University being closed because of earthquakes and snow we have been able to run our full programme of courses. Unlike most other departments, we did not have a single student leave because of the earthquakes. In fact we had three new PhD students, two from Germany and one from Malaysia start with us in June. Student numbers We have a total of about 90 Forestry Science students and 25 Forest Engineering students. A positive feature of the intake for 2011 has been the number of children or siblings of previous graduates from the School. Families include Brown, McKenzie, Saathof, Slui and van Haandel. The final year classes are small - just 15 in Forestry Science and 4 in Forest Engineering. Their job prospects are very good - most received a number of offers and have accepted positions for next year.We continue to have a strong postgraduate programme. We have a total of 28 postgrads - 14 from New Zealand with the other 14 from 11 different countries.