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Ground Based Animal Control
Authors: Nigel HeronPublication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 2011, Issue N.Z.J.For. 56(3) 2011, pp 14, Nov 2011
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry
Abstract: Prior to 2008 the major focus of Timberlands Possum control revolved around aerial 1080 operations. This was a highly successful system where by large areas of around ten to fifteen thousand hectares were treated annually. Where these large scale aerial operations were carried out possum damage was generally eliminated for between five to seven years. During this time trappers did operate in the estate however they tended to be small operators focusing purely on fur recovery and not control. With the Forest Stewardship Council taking away the option of aerial operations on our estate (except for where the Animal Health Board or regional authority requires it to be done) we had to look at a new strategy to control possums. An association was formed with Trappers NZ and together we implemented some trials looking at how effective trapping could be, when carried out by a professional operator using a large number of traps.