How soon does regenerating scrub control erosion

Authors: D.O. Bergin, M.O. Kimberley, M. Marden
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 1993, Issue N.Z.J.For. 38(2) 1993, pp 38-40, Aug 1993
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: Surveys of damage caused by Cyclone Bola which struck the East Coast of the North Island, New Zealand in March 1988, indicated a strong relationship between vegetation cover and the degree of shallow landslipping on erosion-prone Tertiary hill country. An examination of the age, species composition and stand structure of manuka/kanuka dominated indigenous scrub was carried out. Young stands contained a mixture of manuka and kanuka, with kanuka becoming dominant in older stands. Compared with pasture, there was a 54% reduction in landslipping in fully-stocked eight-year-old scrub and a 91% decrease at 16 years. Under-stocked stands gave a somewhat lower level of protection. A substantial decrease in landslipping on steep erosion-prone hill country during major storms can therefore be expected within 10-15 years of establishment of indigenous scrub.