Forest management in developing countries - Experiences of a New Zealand forester in Western Samoa

Authors: I.G. Trotman
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 1979, Issue N.Z.J.For. 24(2) 1979, pp 252-260, Aug 1979
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: Forestry development in Western Samoa typifies that of many other developing island nations in the South Pacific. Assessment of forest resources provides the basis of management, and in Samoa a national forest survey has recently been completed.
Ecological understanding of the forest must be acquired, and basic knowledge is required on the properties and uses of local wood. Lack of roads, mapping, power, port development and shipping services, together with shortages in skilled staff, hinder forest utilisation and management.
The Samoan Government is taking measures to overcome these problems: a reafforestation programme has been commenced, an extension project is explaining forest values to the people, and forest reserves have been set aside for future generations. In providing training and management assistance New Zecdand is playing an important role.