Power Saws: A Health Hazard for the Forest Worker

Authors: J.R. Tunstin, C.S. Inglis
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 1971, Issue N.Z.J.For. 16(2) 1971, pp 223-236, Aug 1971
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: It is important that both management and workers are aware of the human problems associated with power-saw use, and that positive steps are taken to minimize the undesirable effects. The risk of power-saw accidents plus the symptoms associated with power-saw noise, vibration and exhaust fumes puts considerable physical and psychological stress on operators. Sound working techniques and improved power-saw design would greatly alleviate these symptoms. Management action to date has been to encourage the purchase of quieter, smoother running saws, and to redeploy affected operators. More positive action has been discouraged by the possibility of compensation claims from affected operators, and the casual attitude of the work force towards a safe and healthy working environment.