The New Zealand/Australia Free Trade Agreement and the Forest Industry of Both Countries

Authors: W.W.G. Travers
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 1967, Issue N.Z.J.For. 12(1) 1967, pp 42-53, May 1967
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: The paper emphasizes the considerable economic significance of the forestry industry to Australia and New Zealand which has a combined factory door value of about one thousand million Australian dollars. Forest products are one of the major groups of items included in the 1965 Free Trade Agreement and its contents as related to this group are discussed.
Surveys of the major forest producing and consuming regions of the world indicate the possibility of a serious shortage of wood, before the end of this century, particularly in the Asia/Pacific region. Even allowing for current plans, Australia predicts inadequate wood supplies by the year 2000 while New Zealand is planning for an exportable surplus of 150 million cubic feet.
Close co-operation is essential for an efficient and rational development of the forest industries. This co-operation is already evident at technical levels, but it could and should be considerably extended in the fields of forest planning and utilization. The concept of a New Zealand/Australia forestry industry is advanced with the Joint Consultative Council of Forest Industries under the terms of the Free Trade Agreement providing a good medium for its development. A form of organization to achieve this objective is suggested.