Growth Habits of Rimu in Westland's Terrace Forests and their Implications for Forest Management

Authors: C.G.R. Chavasse, W.W. Travers
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 1966, Issue N.Z.J.For. 11(1) 1966, pp 4-19, May 1966
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: The terrace forests of Westland constitute one of the largest remaining areas of podocarp timber in New Zealand. Attempts are being made to manage these forests, on a sustained yield basis, by selection management. The silvicultural characteristics of rimu (Dacrydium cupressinum), the major species, are closely studied, and it is shown that some of the features of crown and stem are related to vigour. A vigour classification is related to management systems. An even-age system, although feasible, would probably not be successful because of a long regeneration period and the difficulty of obtaining full stocking. Uneven-aged management, on a selection system, appears to have the best chance of success. Data and estimates from stand studies are used as a guide to management and initial silvicultural operations. Further studies on the managed stands should eventually provide reliable stand data for successful selection management of the terrace forests.