Cupressus Iusitanica as a Potential Timber Tree for New Zealand

Authors: M. H. Bannister, H. R. Orman
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 1959, Issue N.Z.J.For. 8(2) 1960, pp 203-217, Aug 1960
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: Cupressus lusitanica may prove a useful addition to the exotic species used in New Zealand forestry. It appears to be rather exacting in its site requirements, and for this reason would probably lend itself to small plantations in some farming districts, rather than to extensive planting on the less fertile forest lands owned by the State. On good sites there is evidence that it is capable of producing about 200 cu. ft per acre per annum with a 50-year rotation.
Wood samples from three New Zealand sources were tested. Results from two shipments showed that the wood was, for most practical purposes, as strong as that of C. macrocarpa, although lighter. The third shipment, from trees which had been making more rapid radial growth than the others, included bands of compression wood and was relatively weak. A tentative conclusion from these tests is that the radial growth should preferably be at a rate giving not less than four annual rings per inch.
The wood has good seasoning, nailing, and finishing properties and should be quite suitable for general construction, joinery, interior finishing, and some types of furniture.