Future Forest Scholarship

In December 2016, the Board of the NZIF Foundation accepted a donation from the Australia and New Zealand Forest Fund 2 (ANZFF2), managed by New Forest Asset Management Pty Ltd (New Forests) and agreed to establish the Future Forest Scholarship on the terms set out below:

Note this Scholarship is no longer offered.

Availability: Closed

The Foundation is offering one scholarship, of $10,000 in 2022.


Post graduate scholarship for research at any recognised NZ tertiary institution into NZ plantation forestry with a preference given to projects in the areas of environmental markets, wood fibre markets, forest logistics, productivity and genetics.


Donation of NZD 70,000 from the Australia and New Zealand Forest Fund 2 (managed by New Forests Asset Management Pty Ltd (New Forests)).

Size and term of Award

Up to two scholarships of NZD each 10,000/annum to be awarded annually until the initial funding pool is exhausted.

A single scholarship could be awarded for multiple of $10,000/year over two years, or a one year scholarship could be renewed on successful application in subsequent years.

Failure to comply with reporting requirements, without a reasonable explanation, could result in cancellation of an award, and the Foundation will be entitled to seek reimbursement of the whole or part of payments made to the applicant.


Successful applicants will provide quarterly updates on progress and will make a presentation of findings annually.

Application Process

The Foundation will annually call for applications for the scholarship and will (after making any enquiries into the proposed project and the suitability of the applicant to carry it out) determine those applicants who will receive the awards.  However, prior to awarding the scholarship the Foundation will consult with New Forests and consider any reasonable objections New Forests may have to the proposed project/person.

Applications should be made on the NZIF Foundation 2022 application form, see here.


Rather than establishing a separate fund within the Foundation accounts, the Foundation Board has made a commitment to ANZFF2 that it will offer the scholarships as described under the heading “Funding” above.  This will simplify the Foundation’s accounts (The commitment will be recorded in the accounts each year until the obligations are completed).



 Awardee  Topic  Amount


Carolin Weser

PhD candidate, School of Forestry, University of Canterbury

My project is studying the phenology (i.e., timing of life stages during
the year) and natural enemies of the two paropsine leaf beetles
Paropsisterna cloelia (Eucalyptus variegated beetle) and Paropsis
charybdis (Eucalyptus tortoise beetle) in Marlborough.


Vikash Ghildiyal PhD Student at the School of Forestry University of Canterbury.  Research to improve drying quality of Eucalyptus $10,000


Leslie Mann, PhD student at the University of Canterbury Research into the tolerance of different Eucalyptus species to attack by paropsine leaf beetles.  The beetles have recently moved into South Island plantations and are causing damage to the trees.  $10,000


Daniel Boczniewicz, Ph.D. Student at the University of Canterbury Modelling stem properties for eucalyptus in NZ dryland environments $10,000


Trevor Best, Ph.D. Student, University of Canterbury The way machine operators in the logging industry deal with stress $10,000


Leo Mercer, Ph.D. Student in Environmental Studies, Victoria University of Wellington  The role native forest restoration, in association with carbon farming, can play in development of Maori land on the East Coast of the North Island  $10,000


Fei Guo, PhD student, University of Canterbury

The use of spectroscopy of cellulose and wood to predict growth-stress levels in standing trees and logs. 



(This fund is a declining one – awards cease when balance is $0)





Balance of Fund

Balance at 1/4/16





December 2016

Donation from Australia & New Zealand Forest Fund 2




September 2017

Award to Fei Guo




July 2018

Award to Trevor Best




July 2018

Award to Leo Mercer




August 2019

Award to Daniel Boczniewicz




June 2020

Award to Leslie Mann




August 2021

Award to Vikash Ghildiyal




Sept 2023

Carolin Weser


