NZIF Foundation announces record $44,500 worth of scholarships and grants for 2018
The NZIF Foundation is calling for applications for scholarships, awards and prizes offered in 2018 by the NZIF Foundation (a registered charity established by the NZ Institute of Forestry in 2011). The awards, which total $44,500, include scholarships for polytech and university students, research grants, a travel award, special awards, one relating to the Otago-Southland region and another available to residents of Invercargill City, plus prizes for student posters displayed at the NZIF conference being held in Nelson from 9-11 July this year.
While the awards are all associated with forestry, this is broadly defined to include all those activities involved in the management and use of forests and their products. All forests in New Zealand, whatever their purpose, are encompassed in the definition as are all the products and environmental services that arise from forests.
The Foundation asks you to pass the details around your various networks, amongst your friends and colleagues and to others who might be interested. Details of individual awards and scholarships available through (link to Foundation at right hand side of page).
The Foundation is delighted to hit a new record for the value of scholarships on offer this year. It would be even more delighted to be able to offer more and bigger scholarships but can only do this if it receives more funding through donations. Contact for ways to make donations (which are eligible for tax credits).