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8.6 Chain of Custody

Authors: J A Schrider
Publication: NZIF Forestry Handbook, Volume Section 8 – Forest products markets, pp 6, Dec 2023
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: Chain-of-custody is the unbroken chain of wood products from the forest to the consumer, including all stages of manufacturing, transformation and distribution. It is the process by which the path of a timber product is tracked and verified. Only when this tracking has been independently verified, is the product eligible to carry the certifying body’s trademark. Chain-of-custody certification provides evidence that the product originates from certified well-managed forests and verifies that these products are not mixed with products from non-certified forests at any point in the supply chain (except under strict controls when percentage labelling is being used). Chain-of-custody certification is required whenever a company carries out any physical alteration to the timber or product, takes physical or legal ownership of the timber or product, or whenever it wishes to make independent use of the certifying body’s trademark. The certifying body’s trademark is the public face of its scheme and use of it, both on- and off-product, is the final link between the forest and the consumer. It therefore links responsible producers with responsible consumers of forest products.
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