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Ngā Maunga Whakahī o Kaipara’s forest journey
Authors: Malcolm PatersonPublication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 2022, Issue N.Z.J.For. 67(4) 2023 , pp 24-29, Feb 2023
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry
Abstract: This paper summarises the events and rationale leading to the 2013 purchase of the Woodhill Forest estate (and a block of Riverhead Forest) by Ngā Maunga Whakahī o Kaipara (NMWoK – the ‘post-settlement governance entity’ of the marae and hapū of Ngāti Whātua o Kaipara). It then describes the pitfalls, challenges and opportunities NMWoK has identified in managing and developing its forest estates as a cultural landscape with important overlying economic use. This can serve as an exemplar for other iwi groups considering (or in) ownership of their own commercial forests.