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Tāne’s Tree Trust’s vision – weaving more native forest back into our landscapes
Authors: Jacqui Aimers; David BerginPublication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 2022, Issue N.Z.J.For. 67(4) 2023 , pp 30-34, Feb 2023
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry
Abstract: Tāne’s Tree Trust (TTT) is a nationwide charitable trust with a vision of seeing landowners successfully establishing and sustainably managing native forest for multiple purposes. This includes non-timber values, such as enhancement of indigenous biodiversity, water quality, cultural identity and aesthetic landscape values, and other environmental and cultural benefits. It also includes the option for sustainable production of high-quality timber and other resources, where appropriate, via continuous-cover forestry regimes. The Trust is committed to scientific research as a basis for developing best practice. It has an applied research and development (R&D) programme and collaborates with organisations that have a shared ethos. In 2021, the Trust launched a collaborative platform with Pure Advantage to promote more widely the benefits of, and best practices for, establishing and managing multi-purpose native forest. This led to a wellreceived conference in October 2022. The ultimate aim is to see more native forest successfully woven back into our landscapes and sustainably managed in perpetuity.
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