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With change comes opportunity
Authors: Jeremy Keating, NZIF member, was the Chair of the 2022 Conference organising committee and is the Managing Director of Arotahi Agribusiness. Email New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 2022, Issue N.Z.J.For. 67(3) 2022, pp 2-3, Nov 2022
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry
Abstract: As a practitioner with day-to-day involvement in a range of primary sector land uses, it is encouraging to see Aotearoa New Zealand finally having a debate about what highest and best (sustainable) land use looks like on our temperate motu in the Pacific. While the debate is not always as well informed, scientifically grounded or ‘grown up’ as one might hope, the issue is of critical and enduring importance to our shared future. New Zealand is world leading at so much of our food and fibre production, and that remains an important lens through which to view the debate and what is best for the planet and humanity. I often think of Garth Cumberland, a former Forester of the Year, who with others tirelessly spearheaded the drafting of a proposed National Forest Policy a number of years ago. It is an idea that did not get as much traction beyond forestry circles as it deserved, but whose time must surely now be coming and would benefit immensely from being incorporated into a wider rural land use policy with bi-partisan support.