
Authors: Trevor Best
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 2020, Issue N.Z.J.For. 65(3) 2020, pp 2, Nov 2020
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: Traditionally, the November issue is the conference edition. While COVID-19 might have put paid to this event this year, we can still reflect on the key messages those within the conference committee were looking to emphasise in what will now be next year’s conference. The idea behind the Masterton conference was to use the passion and engagement we all have in the sector to exhibit some of that pride in what we do. No-one captures this better than loggers. In my day job I spend a bit of time listening to loggers talk about their work and what it means to them. Evident in every conversation is a love for logging and pride in what they can do in the most difficult of circumstances. It reflects something that is consistent in the profession and sector – the people who spend considerable amounts of time beavering away on their own contribution to the advancement of the forest sector generally do so because they love the environment, the people, and the work.
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