Time to rebrand health and safety as ‘care for people’?

Authors: Fiona Ewing
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 2019, Issue N.Z.J.For. 64(4) 2020, pp 38-40, Jan 2020
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: Change needed The work that the Forest Industry Safety Council (FISC) has done to reduce deaths and injuries to forestry workers over the last four years has made me wonder if it’s time for us to consider rebranding health and safety as ‘care for people’. Currently, health and safety doesn’t have a very appealing brand. It’s viewed as being about compliance, paperwork and ticking boxes. It’s something you have to get out of the way before the real work can begin. When we replace the words health and safety with ‘care for people’ it changes the way we think about this work. It becomes much more relevant and authentic. Doing things that show you care about your workers is actually a great way to prove to them that you are serious about protecting their health and safety. If they believe you really care, they are more likely to take health and safety seriously too.