
Authors: Chris Goulding
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 2019, Issue N.Z.J.For. 64(3) 2019, pp 2, Nov 2019
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: The theme of this November 2019 issue is the potential of New Zealand’s bioeconomy. It also contains the report on the 2019 ANZIF (the Institute of Foresters of Australia and the New Zealand Institute of Forestry) conference held in Christchurch in August, along with Peter Clark’s keynote paper and Julie Collins’ paper from her Women in Forestry talk. The ‘Last word’ is from Phil Taylor, Chairman of the Conference Committee, with what he considers the most important messages of the conference. Elspeth MacRae and Michelle Harnett provide the lead paper on New Zealand’s bioeconomy. Tree biomass can replace petroleum products and provide the materials required for high-value products. A low/ neutral carbon footprint will enable New Zealand to retain overseas market access with increasingly strict environmental import regulations. Coal is responsible for emitting 50 times more carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per unit of energy than sustainably grown wood. Scion has produced a Biofuels Roadmap, identifying the need for biofuel for difficult to electrify marine, aviation and heavy transport, and a ‘Wood Energy Industrial Symbiosis’ report, investigating how energy efficiency and wood supply could be improved when processing industries utilising wood residues are clustered together in regional centres.
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