NZ Wood Design Guides

Authors: Andy van Houtte, Jeff Parker
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 2019, Issue N.Z.J.For. 64(2) 2019, pp 3-10, Aug 2019
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: The Wood Processors & Manufacturers Association (WPMA) represents the majority of New Zealand’s wood product manufacturers and also manages the NZ Wood resource as the promotional and development programme to promote New Zealand forests and wood resources. NZ Wood is intended to become the centre of Timber Design Resources for New Zealand, along with sustained technical support, and is currently undertaking a programme of developing a suite of NZ Wood Design Guides. Industry collaboration on peer reviewed Design Guides is a very common approach as it means the content is viewed with a higher level of integrity and validity compared with proprietary industry Design Guides. This also means that pooled resources from the industry can be utilised for the benefit of all, and not just individual entities.
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