Where to for Wood Councils?

Authors: Erica Kinder
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 2019, Issue N.Z.J.For. 64(1) 2019, pp 37-41, May 2019
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: What is a Wood Council? This is a question I have answered many times in the last 12 months since I took over the role as CEO for the Southern North Island Wood Council. This question is usually followed quickly with the next, ‘So what do you do?’ I’m sure in our esteemed forestry circles I do not need to give the long answer to these questions, but I will provide the short one. What is a Wood Council? There are five Wood Councils based around New Zealand, and the geographical areas they cover seem to roughly align with the old Forest Service boundaries of Northland, Gisborne, Hawke’s Bay, Southern North Island, Marlborough/ Nelson and Southland. The Marlborough Forest Industry Association is the oldest Wood Council, formed in 1971. The Councils in no way cover all of New Zealand, and a glaring omission is that there are none in the Rotorua and Canterbury districts. All Councils have been formed and funded entirely by their own members from the forestry sector. We are all non-profit entities, and the purpose is entirely for ‘industry good’ activities, promotion and representation at local council or government level, and communication.
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