Management of radiata pine using selective harvesting and natural regeneration

Authors: John Wardle
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 2018, Issue N.Z.J.For. 63(4) 2019, pp 25-28, Jan 2019
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: Alternative harvesting regimes for radiata pine There has been a certain amount of interest recently in alternative harvesting regimes for radiata pine, partly in response to problems with the movement of logging debris following heavy rain in hill country after clearfelling operations, and partly due to certain advantages related to the retention of carbon credits. Recently two Farm Forestry branches in the lower North Island have received grants from the Sustainable Farming Fund to investigate alternative harvesting systems for radiata pine. My wife and I acquired a 120 ha property in the Canterbury foothills 45 years ago. Most of the property was in second-growth beech forest, but about 28 ha which was in low-grade pasture and weed species such as gorse was available for the establishment of radiata pine plantations. Planting of radiata pine commenced in 1973 and continued until 1992. Most of the plantings were established using funds from the Forestry Encouragement Scheme, and all stands were subjected to normal thinning and pruning regimes.