Ultra - a specialty crop for K grade radiata

Authors: Graham West
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 2018, Issue N.Z.J.For. 63(1) 2018, pp 44-45, May 2018
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: Forestry in New Zealand has so many positives, yet it struggles to have any profile in the media or in the minds of investors or landowners. I think we have a short-term opportunity, with the current government, to catch the wave their billion-tree aspirational policy gives us by suggesting new exiting management regimes that address some key issues. Most regions in New Zealand have a wood supply forecast (Wood Availability Forecasts, 2014-15, MPI), which shows a very large wave (6-8 million m3/yr) flowing through it that will provide rapid increases in the next six years and a rapid drop off after approximately 16 years. This drop off has disastrous effects for ports, harvesting crews and truck drivers, but it could represent an opportunity. Forestry is seen as a very long-term investment, but that does not appeal in this era of instant gratification.