Realising the value of old trials for native trees

Authors: Greg Steward
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 2017, Issue N.Z.J.For. 62(2) 2017, pp 45, Aug 2017
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: In 1876, Captain Campbell Walker described the role of New Zealand’s state forests as ‘the formation, protection, and gradual improvement of the public forests to make as much timber, and other produce as possible for the requirements of the country and for export trade, and thereby to produce as large a surplus revenue as is compatible with the maintenance and increase of their productive powers.’ Increasingly, foresters in New Zealand are being required to meet goals that are not just financial. Planted forests are also expected to align to the nations and landowners’ values and environmental priorities, visual aesthetics, etc. Indeed, with most of the old state forests reverting to iwi ownership the cultural values of forests are becoming increasingly important for the unique opportunities and values that they might provide.