Dysfunctional - I don’t think so

Authors: Ian Hinton
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 2016, Issue N.Z.J.For. 61(2) 2016, pp 43, Aug 2016
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: The other day while drinking my morning coffee and contemplating the drive to work, my wife Rachel commented that there is something familiar about listening to the music you grew up with. Radiohead was playing at the time ... but more about that soon. Later that day (23 May 2016), I opened my weekly email from the Institute of Forestry to be greeted by the word ‘dysfunctional’. Spellbound I thought I have to read more, and after much searching I found my password and logged onto the NZIF website to read the rest of the President’s column. Having read the column (twice) I came away convinced I was reading a transcript from talk-back radio about what’s wrong with the industry and, if those of us still in the industry had any pride left, what we should be doing to fix it.
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