Robert Terence Fenton - 21 December 1930 to 28 November 2013

Authors: Rowland Burdon, John Kininmonth
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 2013, Issue N.Z.J.For. 58(4) 2014, pp 39-41, Jan 2014
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: Known as either Bob, or just Fenton, he was one of the most colourful and influential figures in New Zealand forestry. His passing certainly warrants an extended tribute. He grew up in northwest London and experienced the wartime blitz. In 1947, straight after his secondary schooling at Harrow Grammar School, he came with his parents to New Zealand. We have never found what prompted it, but he made the giant step from post-war London to applying to join the Forest Service at the age of 16. John K. vividly remembers meeting this long, lanky individual when they were both waiting to be interviewed in Wellington. Bob was accepted and was one of the celebrated 1948 intake of junior technical trainees that included some returned servicemen as well as school leavers. He was one of the youngest.