Alexander Robert Entrican - The man for his time

Authors: Peter Berg
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 2013, Issue N.Z.J.For. 58(2) 2013, pp 20-24, Aug 2013
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: Any consideration of important events over the last 100 or so years of forestry activity and development in New Zealand should not overlook the part played by those people most directly involved inside the industry. Among those who wrought profound changes, the name of Alex Robert Entrican is one that stands out. Entrican died 48 years ago, only four years after retiring from a 40 year career in the State Forest Service, the last 22 of which were spent as its head. Few of us still active in forestry in New Zealand will be able to recall much from his period of leadership, and even fewer of us ever knew him. Yet there is little doubt that his contribution to forestry, the burgeoning forest industry that we now have in place, has not been exceeded by any other forester.