Doing it right - doing it well

Authors: Julian Bateson
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 2012, Issue N.Z.J.For. 57(3) 2012, pp 2, Nov 2012
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: This is my first editorial for the New Zealand Journal of Forestry and I will try and keep it simple. I would like to thank everyone who has helped make this issue of the Journal of Forestry possible. A lot of credit in particular goes to Piers MacLaren. He planned ahead well enough to ensure there were papers and articles organised, even though he was not sure who was to be the editor. Who is the new editor? Bateson Publishing Limited has been around for just under 15 years, and I have been around a few years longer. The main business of the company involves the production of magazines and journals for the primary industry sector. I also produce and publish occasional books, the most recent relevant one being Wardle’s Native Trees of New Zealand, funded by the NZ Farm Forestry Association. My background is as a scientist, with a first degree in biology and a masters degree in environmental science, along with 20 years working in conservation. It was during the latter period that I started work in publishing and editing. My involvement with forestry is not up to the level of the previous editor, but I have been working with trees and forestry for over 10 years and am a member of the NZIF. I also own a few hectares of plantation forestry
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