Mountainland researcher - John Young (JY) Morris (1929-2012)

Authors: Colin Bassett, Udo Benecke, Alan Nordmeyer
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 2012, Issue N.Z.J.For. 57(2) 2012, pp 47, Aug 2012
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: Mountainland researcher - John Young (JY) Morris (1929-2012) Snow lay thick on the Christchurch ground on June 7, the funeral day for John (JY) Morris a keen skier and mountaineer. Similarly, his friend and colleague, geologist Colin O’Loughlin had been farewelled by a whacking great earthquake early last year. John joined the State Forest Service on 15 January 1948, one of an intake of Technical Trainees notable for remaining in forestry and contributing much to it for their entire working lives. At the end of their first year of service they could opt to enter the management stream or study for a forestry degree; John chose the latter. With no school of forestry in New Zealand, the pattern was first to obtain a B.Sc. in New Zealand (which John completed at Canterbury), before going on to an overseas university to study forestry. Atypically, John asked to be sent to Nancy and, after his competence in French had been certified, the department agreed.