Forest Development: A vital balance - what did it mean for New Zealand?

Authors: Tim Payn
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 2010, Issue N.Z.J.For. 55(1) 2010, pp 6-7, May 2010
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: A number of New Zealand representatives attended the 13th World Forestry Congress ( in Buenos Aires in October 2009 including our Minister of Agriculture and Forestry Hon. David Carter1, senior members from the forestry sector, MAF, and a number of scientists and forestry practitioners. The Congress, held under the auspices of FAO and the Argentine Government as hosts was huge with more than 7000 delegates over the week. The programme was broad and diverse with something for everyone. Presentations2 can be seen on the Congress web site, and video clips on YouTube3. Representatives from all walks of forestry attended with very diverse viewpoints and interests. 1 2 3