Good start to the year

Authors: Hamish Cochrane
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 2009, Issue N.Z.J.For. 54(1) 2009, pp 4-5, May 2009
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: Bachelor of Forestry Science, BE (Forestry) and postgraduate students The year has started well with a total of 83 students enrolled in the undergraduate forestry degree programme (a further four are enrolling from the middle of the year). The Bachelor of Engineering (Forestry) programme now has 18 students enrolled in the three professional years. Our postgraduate programme continues well with 27 students from 12 countries enrolled for a variety of degrees. We have recently bid farewell to three Master of Forestry Science students from Papua New Guinea, all three of whom completed research looking at conservation management and restoration. We currently have a great diversity of research projects being undertaken, ranging from valuing wood quality traits through to forest road pavement. New areas of interest include bioenergy/ biomass utilisation and grassland fire ignition.
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