The time is right for New Zealand Wood

Authors: Geoff Henley
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 2007, Issue N.Z.J.For. 52(3) 2007, pp 43-45, Nov 2007
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: [First paragraphs ...]
In a world facing the very real consequences of global warming the impact of our consumption choices has never been so important.

Described as a ‘miracle material’1, wood is a wholly renewable raw material. It offsets harmful fossil fuel use, and the forests in which it is grown are massive net absorbers of CO2. It’s a natural building material with enormous potential for a range of different building environments.

None of this is new information, however, with the rapidly growing concern about greenhouse gases, climate change and control of harmful emissions wood, which we so much take for granted, has a new significance.

NZ Wood - a new brand for all New Zealand grown wood, is refocusing attention on wood. It is amplifying this significance by positioning wood as the building material of choice for New Zealanders.
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