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A more stable funding environment - a response to the MoRST ‘Sector Engagement Paper’
Authors: D. C. EdmeadesPublication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 2006, Issue N.Z.J.For. 51(4) 2007, pp 41-44, Jan 2007
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry
Abstract: [First paragraphs...]
The Ministry of Research Science and Technology (MoRST) has recently published what they have termed ‘a sector engagement paper’ called “A More Stable Funding Environment”. There are associated background papers including reports from 3 external consultants. These are all available on the MoRST website.
Paraphrasing the current MoRST position it appears that further modifications to the science system are being considered but in the context that “the system is not broken but faces immediate challenges to.......”. They have called for comment.
It is tempting to respond encouragingly and enthusiastically, for there is much wrong with the current system. But, it is my view for the reasons set out below, that New Zealand science is caught in a management warp: the philosophies and theories upon which the current science system has been developed create an environment which is the antithesis of that required for an open, healthy, vigorous and productive science sector. The current problems will not be solved by further tinkering with the current system. A new management paradigm is required which is derived from and hence enhances the unique needs and value of science.
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