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Walking the talk: Getting FSC up and running in a medium sized New Zealand forestry company
Authors: B. GilmorePublication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 2002, Issue N.Z.J.For. 47(4) 2002, pp 3-6, Jan 2002
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry
Abstract: FSC has produced tangible areas of improvement in Pan Pac's business processes and has led to a more widespread and balanced view of what "well managed" forestry practices comprise.
Attaining certification was challenging. Pan Pac took a "keep it simple" approach that focussed on "walking the talk" with staff allowed to develop processes for their own work areas.
Gaining FSC certification has provided opportunities to sell into markets requiring certified lumber and to reduce our environmental risk by improving environmental management.
The real tests for Pan Pac are whether economic gains will be realised, the principal reason for Pan Pac gaining certification, and the on-going significant challenge of maintaining certification.
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