PLYRS plantation management system

Authors: M. Strandgard, I. Wild, D. Chong
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 2001, Issue N.Z.J.For. 46(4) 2002, pp 12-15, Jan 2002
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: This paper discusses PLYRS - a new plantation management system jointly developed by ForestrySA, Auspine Limited, Green Triangle Forest Products (GTFP) and The University of Melbourne. The system uses an heuristic simulation approach to enable rapid evaluation of the effect of silvicultural treatments and harvesting plans on a selected area of plantation in terms of wood and cash flows. PLYRS represents an advance over previous plantation management systems in use in Australia in terms of its functionality, ease of use and maintenance, integration and flexibility. While the current system is based on the management of Pinus radiata, it forms the basis of a system for the management of other plantation species.
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