Three plantation establishment models for pine.

Authors: D. B. South
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 2000, Issue N.Z.J.For. 45(4) 2001, pp 10-13, Jan 2001
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: This paper provides a brief overview of three establishment models for pine. These models can be important tools for guiding landowners' decisions when selecting establishment practices. Currently, only a few plantation establishment models have been developed. Three models currently available for pine include CNIIGM for Pinus radiata in New Zealand, Plant-PC for P. banksiana in Ontario, and Ptaeda2v for P taeda in the southern United States. The CNIIGM is an establishment model that was developed from 17 establishment studies. Plant-PC (Version 2.2) was developed using regression equations fitted to data from 9 pine plantations. Ptaeda2v was developed from a single-tree growth and yield model (Ptaeda2) that simulates growth starting at age 8 years. These programme's can be used to address questions such as "should I invest in either weed control or larger planting stock?"