Forest Modelling: Optimising algorithms for forest planing and decision-making

Authors: I. Frakes, A.L. Bugg
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 2000, Issue N.Z.J.For. 45(4) 2001, pp 5-9, Jan 2001
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: Optimising algorithms can help to inform planning and enhance decision-making by those forest managers who are able to employ the technology. Their benefits for determining sustainable yield and timber harvest scheduling under different management scenarios have been established, but they also have significant potential for wider application to evaluate trade-offs between timber production and other forest values. Although previous applications have typically been computationally intensive and required a high degree of specialist technical knowledge, the increased capacity of personal computers combined with greater accessibility of software now makes the techniques available to a wider range of users. This paper overviews optimising algorithms for forest planning and decision-making, and reviews three software packages for this purpose: Microsoft Excel ™ Solver, Habplan and Spectrum.