Logging Residue at Landings

Authors: P. Hall
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 1998, Issue N.Z.J.For. 43(1) 1998, pp 30-32, May 1998
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: A survey of New Zealand forest companies in 1996 found that build-ups of logging residue at landings, especially hauler landings, are a growing problem. The survey results highlighted that 45% of the hauler landings used have significant build-ups of residue with consequent costs and risks. Results also showed that there was little information on the volume and type of material in the residue build-ups.

A subsequent series of studies of logging operations, measuring the amount of residue created in relation to the extracted volume and harvesting system, found that stem wood is the largest component of the residue. These studies also showed, that despite appearances, the bulk of the estimated branch and needle content of a stand is left on the cutover at harvesting. This was true even in operations where the majority of deliberate delimbing occurs at the landing.

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