Supply of improved radiata pine seed

Authors: T.G. Vincent
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 1993, Issue N.Z.J.For. 38(3) 1993, pp 45-48, Nov 1993
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: There is a large increase in demand for genetically improved seed throughout the forestry sector. In response to this, the industry has collected over 7000 kilogrammes of seed rated GF16 to GF17. However, less than 5% of the total seed collected is rated higher than GF20. With reasonable nursery management and providing that all this seed is sown, this should be sufficient to provide planting stock for around 125,000 hectares in 1994. Cuttings of highly-rated material could also provide planting stock for an additional 10,000 hectares. Those experiencing difficulty in meeting their requirements for genetically improved seed or plants should note that increasing stocking per hectare will not adequately compensate for using lower-rated material.
The product from New Zealand's current seed orchards has proved to be widely adaptable but very little seed rated higher than GF14 is being exported. Recipients
* NZ Forest Research Institute, Rotorua.

of these seed exports are organisations assisting with the further improvement of radiata pine in New Zealand. The use of imported seed is not recommended until it has been adequately tested in New Zealand.
Additional areas of seed orchard are currently being established and yields of control-pollinated seed should increase in the future.

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