Economics of fire prevention in New Zealand plantations

Authors: A.N. Cooper, C. Ashley-Jones
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 1986, Issue N.Z.J.For. 31(4) 1987, pp 14-18, Jan 1987
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: The history of expenditure and other data on NZ Forest Service fire prevention confirms that fire prevention expenditure per hectare is greater in the high-risk districts compared with the moderate and low-risk districts. However, there has been considerable variation in expenditure over time. In the past, these expenditure levels have been based on management's experience, intuition, and local assessments. Such practices do not necessarily provide an optimal economic solution. This requires expenditure to be such that expected costs and losses are minimized. Managers are then required to trade-off between efficiency and risk associated with their fire prevention programme.