New Zealand forest managers - a subculture?

Authors: J.J. Kennedy, W.R.J. Sutton
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 1978, Issue N.Z.J.For. 23(2) 1978, pp 240-251, Aug 1978
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: A subculture is defined as any group with a value system differing from those predominating in society at large. It is proposed that New Zealand forest managers have become a subculture, as evidenced by langauge, dress, artefacts, aesthetic tastes, beliefs, and attitudes. Results of a questionnaire show a general consensus on some issues (e.g., obligation to future generations, multiple-use forestry, wood production, job enjoyment, and challenge) and a diversity of opinion on others (especially the need to maximise wood-volume production). The existence of a subculture can be beneficial to its members as well as to society in general, but only if the subculture remains responsive to a changing society.
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