Forest types of Waitutu State Forest and adjoining areas

Authors: J.L. Nicholls
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 1976, Issue N.Z.J.For. 21(2) 1976, pp 215-238, Aug 1976
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: Until recently, few people outside western Southland knew of Waitutu State Forest, and there are still very few with any first-hand knowledge of it. But wide interest in its future was roused when it was included in the original Southland beech forest management scheme proposed by the New Zealand Forest Service in 1971. An account is given of the forest types of the State forest and some adjoining land in other tenures, based on unpublished National Forest Survey records. References are made to J. T. Holloway's climate change hypo-thesis advanced to explain the forest type pattern. Short accounts are also given of the environment and history. The varied resources of the general area are briefly discussed.