Windrowing and Ripping - a Comparative Study with other Site Preparation Techniques

Authors: D.W. Guild
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 1971, Issue N.Z.J.For. 16(1) 1971, pp 88-97, May 1971
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: Frequent droughts and poor, stony soils are severe establishment hazards in Balmoral Forest. Site amelioration by windrowing and ripping prior to planting was introduced in 1966. Preliminary investigations have shown that the new crops are already benefiting from greatly improved survivals, better height growth and more uniformity than before. The cost of establishment has been reduced and the effect of ripping on tree growth, crop uniformity and stand access is expected to increase the initial cost advantage. It will not be known for some time whether or not the stands are more windfirm on ripped soils. Further trials and consequent improvements are expected to reduce the inefficiencies and increase the versatility of the technique.