Some Observations on the Management of Silver Beech

Authors: J.M. Valentine
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 1969, Issue N.Z.J.For. 14(2) 1969, pp 219-226, Aug 1969
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: Silver beech has been regenerated successfully using a clearfelling with seed trees system and trials suggest the group or uniform systems could be employed. The possibility of developing a two-storied forest with Eucalyptus delegatensis is noted.

The current and traditional requirements of ensuring dense uniform seedling stocking are questioned and it is suggested an assessment method based on larger units related to final stocking be developed.

A proposed tending schedule initially aims at obtaining a 30 ft clean bole; then developing maximum diameter growth on final crop stems by two or three thinnings of increasing intensity. Mean annual increments of 90 to 100 cu. ft per acre over a 120 yr rotation are antiicpated.