Soil Sterilistaion Trials in Seven Forest Nurseries

Authors: G.M. Will, C. Bassett
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 1959, Issue N.Z.J.For. 8(4) 1962, pp 587-593, Jan 1962
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: Soil sterilisation trials were carried out in seven nurseries to find out if the quality and quantity of tree seedlings could be increased. Results showed that growth was increased to a worth-while extent only in pumice-soil nurseries, which are relatively infertile. Chloro-picrin was more effective than formalin and produced its best results when used in combination with decomposing forest litter. The beneficial effect lasted for one year only and was obtained at the expense of succeeding crops except where organic and mineral fertilisers were used.
Soil sterilisation appears to be justified in relatively few cases in forest nurseries in New Zealand. It may be the only means of reducing soil-borne disease and in pumice-soil nurseries it does give, for one season, a flush of growth which is difficult to obtain by other means.