Utilisation of the Beech Timbers

Authors: J.S. Reid
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 1959, Issue N.Z.J.For. 8(1) 1959, pp 101-108, May 1959
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: The beech timbers, with the exception of Southland silver beech, have been lumped together as "make-weights" by the timber industry and as substitutes for rimu by users. Substitutes are invariably assumed to be inferior. The introduction of grading rules following the rimu pattern may perpetuate this lack of status. Many of the exacting uses for which one or other of the beech timbers is the best available timber are not catered for by the rimu-type grading rules. Their individuality must be recognised also because the problems associated with their preparation for market—sawing, seasoning, and machining— vary with the species. A marketing association in the Westland-Buller districts is advocated. Research work is currently directed towards sorting out the variation with locality of density and the associated strength properties, assessing dimensional stability, modifying and acceleratng seasoning, and instituting trials for critical uses.
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