Mosaic or Cyclic Regeneration in North Island Podocarp Forests

Authors: R.J. Cameron
Publication: New Zealand Journal of Forestry, Volume N.Z.J.For. 1954, Issue N.Z.J.For. 7(1) 1954, pp 55-64, May 1954
Publisher: New Zealand Institute of Forestry

Abstract: Recently it has been shown that tropical rain forest areas may possess a mosaic structure and a cyclical succession of dominants and it is probable that similar patterns and processes exist in some North Temperate forests. New Zealand podocarp forests are considered to be related to certain tropical montane rain forest formations.
It seems likely that the above concepts can be used to advantage in considering North Island mixed hardwood-podocarp forests and a tentative application of the ideas to an area of an association of this type in the Whirinaki river valley is described and discussed in this paper. This area appears to have a cyclic succession of dominants where podocarps alternate with hardwoods on individual sites. The preponderance of mature podocarps over hardwoods over quite large areas could be due to the present association being a "first rotation" crop. The various effects which could cause a cyclical succession are briefly discussed. Where extreme environmental conditions exist a monoclimax is usually found.
The values of the concepts of mosaic structure and of cyclical regeneration within the forest are discussed and tentative suggestions for working mixed hardwood podocarp forests so as to ensure their perpetuation are described.